Collink.3DTM 50

What is Collink.3DTM 50?

Collink.3DTM is the first and only plant-based human collagen bioink platform, mass produced at high consistency, enabling perfect mimicry of the native properties of tissues and organs.  
Collink.3DTM 50 is based on recombinant human type I collagen (rhCollagen), that was chemically modified to generate a curable bioink with approximately 50% of the primary amines converted into methacrylamides.

#Determined using the 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) assay, relatively to the rhCollagen source.

What is rhCollagen?

Recombinant human collagen extracted from genetically-engineered plants, without any animal-derived substances or reagents.

Why Collink.3DTM?

Animal free
Optimal rheology at room temperature
Supports high viability of different cell types
Biocompatible, non-immunogenic

What are the uses of Collink.3DTM?

Collink.3DTM enables fabrication of 3D constructs with complex architectures, meeting the demand for specific geometric, physical and biological properties. Biofabricated constructs made with Collink.3DTM can be used in a wide range of soft and hard tissue applications, including tissue models for drug discovery and screening, as well as the development and manufacture of tissue and organ transplants.

Owing to its cytocompatibility, Collink.3DTM supports significant high viability of various cell types – fibroblasts, stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, endothelial and epithelial cells.

Fluorescent micrographs of cells grown on Collink.3DTM 50 layer [A-C] and 3D-printed constructs [D-F]. CD31 endothelial membrane specific staining of cells after 6 days in culture [A] (10X objective, scale bar: 275 μm). Human endothelial cells stained with DAPI (nuclei) and GFP (actin) after 7 days in culture [B] (20X objective, scale bar: 150 μm). Human fibroblasts stained with DAPI (nuclei) and RFP (actin) after 1 day in culture [C] (4X objective, scale bar: 650 μm). Human fibroblasts proliferated over a 3D-printed disc [D] & mesh [E] after 10 days of incubation (4X objective, scale bar: 650 μm). Spheroid of human fibroblasts embedded in Collink.3DTM 50 after 7 days incubation [F] (4X objective, scale bar: 650 μm). All images were taken with a EVOS 7000 microscope.

Collink.3DTM chemical, physical and biological characterization

Extensive studies carried out to characterize the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of Collink.3DTM confirmed its identity to human type I collagen and its performance as a bioink. 


Collink3D™: Ready, set, print!

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® 2020 CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Version: CPW 02-23