Bioinspired Nanocomposites of Resilin with Cellulose Whiskers – Winner, 50 Best Abstracts Awards

Bioinspired Nanocomposites of Resilin with Cellulose Whiskers – Winner, 50 Best Abstracts Awards
Bioinspired Nanocomposites of Resilin with Cellulose Whiskers – Winner, 50 Best Abstracts Awards

6/13/2010 termis, Galway, Ireland
Shaul Lapidot, Guokui Qin, Sigal Meirovitch, Amit Rivkin, Itai Podoler, Mara Dekel, Xiao Hu, Sigal Roth, Hagit Amitai, David L. Kaplan, Oded Shoseyov

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